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    So you decided you want a Presa Canario. Picking a puppy from a litter should be fun but  before you start your journey with this beautiful breed, there are a few things you have to ask yourself.

    Can I afford to look after a dog?

    You need to be absolutely sure that you will be able to provide for its needs for the entirety of its life. There are lots of costs associated with owning a dog such as insurance, vet bills, food and more.  Make sure your budget is set up for owning a dog.

    Is my home suitable for a dog?

    A house with a yard is perfect for your puppy, but they will be content with living in a flat as long as they get the right amount of exercise. Fencing around the yard should be sutiable for a large breed dog.  If you live in rented or council accommodation, you need to get written permission from your landlord before getting a Presa Canario.

    Will my dog be left alone regularly?

    A dog is not a toy and can not be left alone the whole day to take care of itself. Make sure you have considered how they will be cared for when you are at work, out for the day or on a holiday.

    Can I give my dog the exercise it needs?

    Presa Canario needs regular, quality exercise in order to stay happy and healthy. Make sure you have considered you have the time and energy to give your dog the exercise he needs.

    Am I looking for a family dog or a protection dog?

    If your anwser is both, a Presa Canario is a good choise. This dogs were bred for protection and security but are also a good and loyal family pet. They will give anything to please there family and loves company and interaction.

    Are they good with other dogs?

    A Presa canario is a dominant breed and is not so good with strangers and other dogs of the same sex. There are always exceptions, but you have to understand this is not a dog you will take of the leash in a dog park. If you already have one or more dogs at home, consider getting a presa puppy the opposite sex and having  the space to separate them. Their temperament is also down to you, because temperament is heavily influenced by upbringing.

    Are they good with children?

    The anwser is yes , but a Presa Canario as any other dog is not a toy and must not be left alone with small children unsupervised. You must be responsible and let them have space for them self. If they are raised and socialized in a family home with children, they will be the childrens best friend and loyal protector.

    Boy or girl?

    There are a few things to consider. Female dogs who are not neutered will have ‘seasons’ at least twice a year where they will bleed and be attractive to unneutered male dogs .You willl need to be prepared to manage this and prevent any accidental litters. Male dogs are more dominant and usually dont get along with other male dogs.

    The next step is chossing a puppy.

    When choosing a presa puppy we must ask ourselves a question – do we want a show dog or a pet?

    When choosing a show dog, structure and temperament is most important. A good puppy is proportional, has a big head and wide and deep chest. Muzzle is shorter than the head, usually about 40% of the length of the head. Ears are set wide and high. Hight should be proportional to the rest off the body, never to short or to long. Tail is thick at the base, curved all the way to the tip. Checking for a scissore bite and both testicles in males is also crucial.



    Introducing D-litter born on 05/14/2020, which has three females and two males. Contact us with confidence and find a new family member.



    We are proud to open reservations for our D-Litter, Presa Canario puppies.







    The Presa Canario belongs to a group of medium sized molosser dogs with strong musculature, imposing looks and well balanced character.

    Coat is short, with no undercoat and is easy to maintain. The color varies from brindle in all shades to sandy yellow. All-black color and whiteness on the head are not up to the International Kennel Club (F.C.I.) standard!

    Hight of the males at the withers is from 60 cm to 66 cm and the females from 56 cm to 62 cm. In the case of very typical specimens, a distance of + or – 2 cm from the maximum or minimum will be allowed. The maximum weight of males is 65 kg and females 55 kg.

    Body is longer than the height at the withers, and especially in females this trait is more pronounced. The height of the back of the body is 1-2 cm higher than the front.

    Head is massive, compact in appearance and covered with thick skin. The shape tends towards a slightly elongated cube.

    Neck: Shorter than the length of the head and very muscular. Skin on the underside is loose, forming a slight dewlap.

    Muzzle is shorter than the head, usually about 40% of the length of the head, and its width is 2/3 of the skull.The nostrils are large to facilitate breathing.

    Eyes are medium in size, slightly oval, medium to dark brown with characteristic black eyelids. Bright eyes and falling eyelids are considered flaws. The mask is black and should not exceed eye height.

    Teeth are wide, with a strong base, large molars, small incisors and well-developed canines. The bite must be scissor, a flat bite is not desirable.

    Tail is thick at the base, curved all the way to the tip, never crossing the wrist. In motion it rises in the form of a saber, without curling or pointing at the back. At rest it hangs relaxed with a slight curve at the tip. The movement in action is agile and covers a great deal of terrain in a short period of time.

    More of Presa Canario breed standard HERE HERE


  • Presa Canario History


    The Presa Canario, fully known as Pero de Presa Canario, is a relatively rare breed of Molosser dog originating in Spain, more specifically the Canary Islands. The name of the breed is often shortened to Presa Canario, Canary Dog or Spanish Mastiff.

    Presa Canario history – The beginning

    The beginning of the breed as we know it today begins in the 15th century, when the Spanish conquistadors, while conquering the Canary Islands, brought with them mastiff-type molosser dogs. Later crossbreeding between the “Major”, a pre-Hispanic herding dog originating from the island, and molosser dogs brought to the islands, created the Presa Canario breed.

    In the 16th and 17th century their primary task was to guard livestock, hunt wild boars  and protect the farm from attacks of wild dogs and other predators. With the arrival of the English colonists on the islands, in the late 17th century, they began to use the breed for dog fighting in domestic seaports. This practice lasted until 1940, when dog fighting is banned in Spain. With the decision to ban dog fighting, the government almost completely eradicates the breed.

    In the year 1970, the breed began to recover gradually, and in 1982 a group of dog breeders from the island of Tenerife founded the “Club Espańol del Presa Canario” (Spanish Club Pero de Presa Canario). Four years later they organized the first regional dog show of the breed Presa Canario, where over 150 breed representatives were exhibited.

    F.C.I. provisionally recognizes the breed in the year 2001 under the name Dogo Canario, and the breed retains such status until 2011 when it receives full recognition in the F.C.I.

    In December 2018, at the request of the Spanish Kennel Club, the old breed name Presa Canario is given back and the breed once again has its original historical name.

    More info on the breed – HERE, HERE
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